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Natural Stones, Semi-precious Bead Strands, Minerals

☛ The largest selection of Semi-Precious Stones, Natural Pearls, and Mother of Pearls. ➤ Choose from

about 2800 items for lovers of the mineral kingdom who create beautiful jewelry and mystical amulets. They include all semi-precious stones and treasures from the ocean floor available on the market. Prices are wholesale and retail from a direct importer with a leading position on the market.

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Jewelry made from natural and semi-precious stones embodies romance, brings positive energy and health, and has its unique symbolism. Natural stones confirm that "there is no greater artist than Nature". They possess a special power that can heal the body and soul.


Their healing power lies in the energy they contain and the vibrations they emit. These capabilities help restore disruptions in one’s energy fields. Natural and semi-precious stones are born from astrology, esotericism, religion, and even homeopathy.


Where does the incredible power of stones and crystals come from?

Although pessimists may call stone healing a modern phenomenon, this practice has quite deep roots. One of the oldest Indian philosophies, originating more than 5000 years ago, is based on the holistic healing power of stones. It is called Ayurveda.


Lithotherapy (from Greek: lithos - stone and therapia - treatment) has been around since the time of Theophrastus (372 BC). It uses pure natural substances. The vibrations of the stone are almost identical to those of humans and therefore can stimulate energy flows in our bodies.


Many of us have heard that silver water kills bacteria. This is another type of "medicine" used in lithotherapy - energy water. To gain healing properties, water is poured into a glass jug and various stones are placed in it - such as quartz, alexandrite, and amethyst.


After staying in the sun for twelve hours, the water is already charged with healing properties and can purify the body and boost the immune system. Other advice includes wearing stones as jewelry to protect against illnesses, evil and more.


Lithotherapy is still not practiced a lot in Bulgaria. But let’s see what the main types natural stone healers are.


Natural stones and crystals have been used since ancient times. Historical sources describe the use of crystals in Sumerian, Egyptian, and Ancient Greek civilizations. Crystals and natural stones are also mentioned in the Bible, the Quran, and other sacred texts.


There are historical records of their use for healing purposes between the 11th and 19th centuries. Interest in them was revived in the 1980s with the so-called New Age culture.


What are they?


Crystals are formed from solidifying ions, molecules, or atoms. They arrange into a regular, repeating structure, forming a crystal lattice.


Most people associate crystals solely with jewelry or their metaphysical properties. Without them, there would be no smartphones, watches, or even computers! Quartz crystals, for example, are used to give the correct frequency to radio transmitters, receivers and computers.


It can be said that we influence everything, and everything influences us. We are all connected.


Natural and semi-precious stones vibrate at a frequency that is almost immeasurable. With the help of Kirlian photography, it has been established that when a person holds a pure quartz crystal, their electromagnetic field doubles in size, or in other words - the aura expands.

The healing power of stones is due to the energy they contain and the vibrations they emit.Thanks to their healing abilities, stones restore the disruptions in our energy fields. When a stone is placed in the area of a chakra, it helps it to function properly. 


Sometimes the color of the stone corresponds to the color of the chakra.If you want to experience the healing power of stones, all you have to do is wear the stone you have chosen close to the part of your body that needs healing.

Natural and semi-precious stones – a cure for all kinds of ailments


Here are some of the stones and the ailments they combat:

Amethyst – treats nervous disorders, depression, restores emotional balance

Garnet – put it under your pillow for healthy and peaceful sleep. The stone helps treat impotence and speeds up wound healing.

Diamond – no wonder they are often called a girl’s best friend". The healing powers of diamonds work on various female ailments. The stone is also recommended for those who have had jaundice.

Emerald – "prescribed" for weakened memory, melancholy, feelings of anxiety, and stress.

Amber – to protect yourself from flu, bronchitis, and other throat inflammations, carry amber with you. The stone is also recommended for problems with the tonsils and thyroid gland, colds and arthritis.

Opal – take advantage of its healing powers for the nervous system and heart problems.

Ruby – used for heart and blood diseases. It also enhances memory.

Sapphire – treats epilepsy, hepatitis, diabetes, eczema, overexertion.

Peridot – keep it close for fever and high temperature, insomnia, and nightmares. It also helps with heart problems.


Also wear: 

  • Coral – for quick wound healing and respiratory problems
  • Cat’s (Tiger’s) eye – against hypertension
  • Turquoise – for headaches and migraines
  • Jade– for kidney issues
  • Jasper– against colds and sinusitis



How to store them?

When you are not wearing the stones, it is best to keep them stored in a cupboard, wrapped in a soft cloth, so as not to disrupt their energy balance. Regularly clean the stone after you use it.

How to do it?  It is believed that stones restore their charge from where they came from – nature. Therefore, place them under running water or leave them in the sun for 20-30 minutes. This way they will recharge with positive energy and expel accumulated negative energy. Another option is to bury the stone for a few hours or place it briefly in a bowl with soapy water.


Beauty brands like Pura Botanicals, Sjal Skincare, Herbivore, and Snow Fox have taken advantage of the growing popularity of crystals, which have various healing properties.


It is a surprise that many beauty brands are returning to this age-old ingredient. The healing properties of stones depend on their type and energy levels.


Scientists suggest that the body has seven chakras or energy points. They run along the spine, from the sacrum to the top of the head, with each chakra relating to a specific organ in the body. The chakra system is the cornerstone of all vital energy, also known as "Chi" or "Prana".


Some natural and semi-precious stones are also aligned with certain chakras in the body or areas in your life. Stones connect us with our physical body and a deeper sense of self.


How to use natural and semi-precious stones?


Orange Aventurine is considered a stone of positivity and prosperity. It increases motivation, broadens your perspective, and attracts luck.


It will also stabilize your mental state, help you deal with anger and irritation, and bring you back to tranquility, as well as stimulate emotional recovery.


Rose Quartz is a beautiful, pale pink stone and a symbol of unconditional love - for yourself, for others, and the earth. It can invite love, heal the heart, and help us attract a soulmate. It also reminds us that love starts with loving ourselves.


Rose Quartz is also associated with balance. Keep rose quartz close to improve deep emotional healing and release tension.


Lapis Lazuli is known for its ability to activate the higher mind and enhance intellect. It opens the third eye - the place of inner vision and intuition - stimulates our desire for knowledge and truth, and aids learning and memory.


Since the beginning of time, humans have relied on the mysterious properties of stones. The ancient Egyptians wore decorative stones such as turquoise and lapis lazuli, while the ancient Greeks used hematite and quartz for protection against evil spirits and in battle.


During the Renaissance, alchemists combined crystals with herbal potions, to combat illnesses. Centuries later, the magic of these gemstones continues.


How can we incorporate stones into our daily lives?


Red Jasper is a very grounding crystalthat holds stable energy. Known as the stone of endurance, it stimulates physical strength, focus, and determination. It also can help relieve fear and anxiety.


Keep a piece of red jasper close when starting a new job or relationship!

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of courage and confidence. It helps you shift your perspective so you can stay focused, and move through your day with ease. It also has protective properties, traditionally worn to ward off curses and bad intentions.


Carry the stone with you to important meetings or when you feel nervous or scared. It will strengthen your nerves and make you feel strong and confident.


Amethyst symbolizes spiritual growth and protection. It helps us tune in with our feelings and balance our emotions.


Amethyst stones repel negative energy and attract positive energy, making them a wonderful protective stone for your home. They can also help you enter a state of calm and are useful if you have nightmares or insomnia.


Amethyst works on the crown chakras, allowing you to get better sleep and focus easily. Keep it under your pillow, at head level on a side table or the base of the bed. This will help you start and end your day well!


Clear Quartz is a powerful healing stone and is said to relieve pain if placed on an area of discomfort. It also clears the mind and aids concentration and focus.


Wearing or meditating with a clear quartz stone opens the mind and heart. Have one around when you feel insecure or want to focus and see your path more clearly.


Mystical stones and their stories



Used by many cultures worldwide, this volcanic glass has been turned into mirrors, knives, swords, plates, and ornaments of all kinds. Due to its use in warfare, the stone still carries aggressive symbolism in Mesoamerican cultures. Its imposing, mysterious black may have also made it an amulet for protection.



The ancient Romans believed that moonstone actually captures the rays of the moon. Hence the name and its use in ornaments.

It is also associated with female lunar deities in Greek and Latin cultures. It was used as a feminine stone, for communicating with gods and as a companion in divination rituals.



Its intense color makes it one of the most used stones in jewelry making. The etymology of the name (ilia, "intestines" in Latin) connects it with the intestines and it has been used to treat ailments in these organs.

Moreover, jade has been used for ceremonial and decorative purposes by the Chinese, Indians, the Olmecs, and the Maya. Today, it is used as an amulet to attract luck and prosperity.



Highly valued for its rarity and beautiful color. The name comes from Turkey because this is where the stone came from.

In turn, the Aztecs called it chalchihuitl, a word that can be translated as "the one that was pierced" (again, as often used in jewelry). In modern times, turquoise has been used by seers and in divination rituals.



A violet-colored quartz, amethyst is used as a protective amulet.

The name comes from a Greek myth: Dionysus, the god of wine and debauchery, fell in love with a maiden named Amethystos, who wished to remain chaste. To help her, the goddess Artemis transformed her into a white stone. Dionysus, now humbled, poured wine over the stone, and it took on the purple color it carries to this day.



A stone of intuition and communication with the spiritual world, the rarity and intense blue color of sapphire (although there are also yellow, pink, and orange sapphires) and its impressive luster make it one of the most precious stones in the world. It is the birthstone for September and has been associated with the planet Saturn by the Latin civilization.



The stone of love and courage and an aphrodisiac of great renown. The presence of iron and chromium in this precious stone gives it its mesmerizing red color (it is also a product of a chemical oxidation process). It is no coincidence that the name of the mineral comes from the Latin ruber, which simply means "red".

In some Asian cultures, rubies were used to adorn armor and sword sheaths and sometimes were placed in the foundations of buildings to ensure durability.



One of the most beautiful stones (classified as a mineraloid since it is non-crystalline). The beauty of opal, however, stems from the play of colors it carries, each generated by its ability to diffract light. According to some experts, the name refers to Ops, the wife of Saturn and the goddess of fertility in Greek mythology.

Others argue that the name comes from the Latin opācus, from which the English word "opaque" originates, describing one of the main characteristics of opal. During the Middle Ages, it was used as a luck amulet because it was believed to contain the virtues of all other precious stones. In more modern times, opal is used as a generator of creativity and inspiration.



In color, emerald varies from yellowish-green to bluish-green and is considered the stone of intuition, love, and abundance. The emerald is one of the most valuable and revered gemstones.

According to a legend , after his travels to America, Hernan Cortes returned to Europe with a large number of emeralds. One was carved with the biblical quote Natos Mulierum non surrexit ("Among those born of women there has not arisen one greater") at Cortes’ request. For those close to the conqueror, the sacrilege of marking such a beautiful stone this way led to Cortes’ downfall and even the death of the French King Charles.



The diamond is perhaps the most valuable stone and certainly the hardest. It also has the most beautiful name. Our word "adamant" comes from the Latin, meaning "unbreakable," "incorruptible," and "invincible".

During the Middle Ages, diamonds were considered the tears of the gods and for this reason, they were used as lucky amulets during war. Besides being one of the most luxurious ornaments in the world, diamonds are still considered an object of many symbolisms. They favor mental clarity and spiritual enlightenment and even provide a virgin appearance.
