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EMART 3800930565757

Aluminum Foil Set, 6 inches (15.2x15.2 cm), 250 g, 6 Colors - 18 Sheets

SKU: 823847
Weight: 250 gr.
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2.95 £
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2.58 £
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Product description

EM ART has been a leader in the creative space for many years. Our range of designer cardstock and paper is vast. Order online now!

The charm of designer papers comes from their diverse, delicate, and elegant structure. Enthusiasts of culture can be surprised by the luxurious covers of books adorned with designer paper. Thanks to its qualities, designer paper serves as an indicator that beauty lies in ordinary things. Considering the dynamic pace of life, we tend to pay less attention to the precious little things. Nature has provided us with abundant resources to breathe life into various materials. The warm and vibrant color palette, combined with a fine texture, makes designer paper truly unique.

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